Death is always a difficult topic to grasp. Whenever someone dies we always wonder, where was God when they died, and why did He let it happen to them? From movie stars, professional athletes, and other celebrities to firefighters, police officers, and loved ones; our hearts are filled with grief and for a while everything pales in comparison to our loss.
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His Glory- It's Not About Me!
At the end of the game, the win or the loss falls on the coach. The coach receives the glory or the blame associated with the game. In the game of life, Jesus is our Coach. But, unlike in sports, Jesus can only receive glory. No blame is associated with Him because He is perfect. He is holy. He is everything that we are not.
Psalm 28:7
Hockey Chat: We wear all kinds of gear when we’re on the ice. We put our trust into engineered plastic and padding to be our shield. Knowing that it’s there, we feel stronger and braver. When we get hit with a puck or stick in that area, we are so thankful that we have that protection!
Isaiah 48:17
Hockey Chat: Martin Brodeur was a one great forward of his young age, skating hard and scoring goals. Those of you that know Marty as the goaltender from the New Jersey Devils think I’ve got the wrong guy, but not at all. He started skating when he was 3 years old and played to put pucks in the net. He was a forward for the early years of his hockey days. That all changed one day when he was 6 and the goal tender for his team didn’t show up for a game. Coach asked told him to get in net and he’s been stopping goals ever since.
Go, Tell It on the Mountain
Shared Talents (Serving - Chapter 11)
Taking life for granted and daydreaming about greener pastures are things everyone does at one time or another. They are so common, in fact, that they’ve been the centerpieces of countless offerings from the entertainment world over the past 60 years. Feature films ranging from 1946’s It’s A Wonderful Life (starring Jimmy Stewart) to 1988’s Big (starring Tom Hanks) and 1990’s Mr. Destiny (starring Jim Belushi) have all tackled the subject.
Play the B.U.G.
Even as the words float off the end of my tongue, I realize that I have blown it. This kind of situation usually involves me saying negative words to my teammates or others. It’s so easy for me to become the “cut-down king.” It doesn’t take much, and it could involve something as simple as calling someone a name.
You know the routine: You cut one of your teammates down, and your other teammates laugh. You may try to justify your unkind remarks with the fact that everyone does it, but the truth is that those reckless words cut. They pierce like a sword and cause damage.
OLYMPICS WEEK - Train For The Rain!
Olympic Athletes expect obstacles and are ready for every challenge!
Our Better Can Be Better
Have you seen the Nike commercial where the pro athlete leans into the microphone and proclaims, “My better is better than your better”? In this commercial, top-tier athletes from a variety of sports are shown performing some serious training and drills, all with the goal of bettering their game. It’s a commercial advertising Nike’s SPARQ gear—SPARQ stands for Speed, Performance, Agility, Reaction and Quickness. But the commercial serves as more than just an ad for Nike to sell a product. It’s also a reminder of the effort it takes in the off-season to prepare for what lies ahead.
Outward Appearance vs. Heart
The Lord corrected Samuel’s natural inclination to judge people by their outward appearance—their height, weight, and other physical features. He called Samuel to look more deeply into people’s heart, as God does.
In the world of sports, it is easier and quicker to make judgments by what we see. Everyone who walks on to the field of competition immediately sees where the largest players are. What cannot be so easily seen is the nature of a player’s heart. Qualities like courage, perseverance, love, and loyalty cannot be observed by a glance. These are qualities of the heart and require a deeper look into the player and his values.
What’s your position?
With the 2010 World Cup underway, many fans have noticed that some of the world’s greatest stars have been left off of their respective countries’ rosters. Many factors went into the decisions to leave these incredible players off their teams, but the underlying concept behind their omissions is the same: their presence on the team simply would not have increased their country’s chances of winning the World Cup. While each player is likely talented enough, those making the roster decisions understand that talent doesn’t always translate into success. Each position has a role to play, and, if the men in those positions don’t play it correctly, not only would their teams be unsuccessful, but there would be a certain level of chaos on the field.
Running the Race before Us
Edwin Moses glided fluidly over the track of Oglethorpe University in Atlanta. He had no idea he was being watched by someone who had no idea who he was. The power of his stride captivated the observer who was dazzled. Though the spectator didn’t know the runner, he was awed by what he saw.
The observer was playing tennis with a friend and asked, “Who is that?”
”That’s the Olympic hurdler Edwin Moses,” the friend said. “Allegedly he practices over here because Oglethorpe has the best track surface in the area.”
Running the Race to Victory
Healthy Families - physical health 2
Looking for ways to make healthy decisions for your family? Try these tips!
Is it in you?
Which Jonah are You?
We are all familiar with the story of Jonah being swallowed by the giant fish. But, what is intriguing to me is that in the four chapters in the book of Jonah, he goes through four different phases with God. In chapter 1, Jonah is running away from God. In chapter 2, he is running to God. In chapter 3, he is running with God. And, in chapter 4, he is running ahead of God. I believe that in our Christian lives we all go through these phases as coaches and athletes.
Lost and Found
Get Better or Deader
Coach Sleepy Thompson coached football at my high school for 32 years. His teams boasted 29 winning seasons, 12 conference titles and three undefeated seasons. Coach Thompson had a gift for taking whatever boys came through the door (including myself) and turning them into winners. He coached in such a way that took the entire team to a higher level of competition.
Personally, I’m fascinated by what makes a great coach like Sleepy Thompson. The word “coach” actually comes from the word “stagecoach,” implying that they take passengers from Point A to Point B. Coach Thompson knew where he wanted his teams to go, even though players like me didn’t have a clue. His Point B was very well-defined, and we had a clear destination.
Professional Witness
Having a Plan
Grieving With Hope
How do you go on after experiencing the unexpected death of a friend and loved one? The Illinois Wesleyan University football team was faced with this difficult task after the death of 21-year-old offensive lineman and co-captain, Doug Schmied. Schmied passed away on August 24, 2005, after suffering complications from heatstroke.
Healthy Families - Food Choices
In a busy world running at a hectic pace, can we make healthy food choices?
Everyone has a bad day once in awhile. Even the greatest athletes struggle from day to day. A common phrase in baseball is "pick-me-up." This is said when a particular player needs a boost in spirit. And, truth be told, we all need a "pick-me-up" occasionally.
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