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The Right Stuff
Job 22:21
Hockey Chat: The Stanley Cup is not an award of chance. It’s not just an award of hard work either (many top goal scorers of the year have ended the year empty handed). The players give their abilities to the coach of the team who has the earned the title of being the leader. In 1995, the eight time Stanley Cup winner, Jacques Lemaire, led the New Jersey Devils, and their sophmore goalie Martin Brodeur, to the first NHL finals victory in franchise history.
Be Like the Best
The Lord's Army
I was at home one morning, just minding my own business, when I heard a proclamation coming from outside of my house. It was loud. It was proud. It was my four-year-old son singing at the top of his voice, “I’m in the Lord’s Army. Yes, sir!” He was sitting against the door with his light saber in hand, singing his praise to the General of the heavenly Host.
When you play sports, you enter into battle. Sides are chosen, boundaries are drawn, and the battle begins. No matter what the sport, you choose whom you will compete for and against. This is no different from your walk with Christ.
Titus 2:11-12
Hockey Chat: The game of hockey is captivating. It’s easy to get in the zone and get caught up with the game. Sometimes we get so enthralled we forget we have other players to pass to or we are running so high that when someone gives us a bump we take it as a personal attack. To win the game you have to play the game. When the focus moves from the game to you, both will lose. Professional players that try to be the lone-ranger hot-dogs are not needed on any team. Pro players that take dumb penalties are sent somewhere else where they can’t hurt the team by sending the rest of the guys out there short handed so often.
Trent Meachem with Ron Brown
Illinois shooting guard Trent Meachem talks about how God is working in his life and beyond.
Pain and Determination
Dean Karnazes, the ultra marathon runner, lost his sister in a freak accident. Perhaps the pain of this loss gave him great determination. He was a cross-country runner in high school, but afterward he set aside the sport until the age of thirty. His first run, after resuming, left him bruised and beaten, but he had found his sport. Now he does seventy-five-mile training runs once a month and, just for kicks, he runs at night. Karnazes runs in heat in the Desert Valley; he runs in snow on the highest peak in California.
The Apostle Paul reminded his Corinthian friends that athletes run in such a way as to win the prize (1 Co 9:24), but he used this example to illustrate the most
Desire - Part 2
Jeremiah 1:5
Hockey Chat: Can you imagine during a game have a bunch of guys sitting on the bench. Then a skater comes up from your team ready to line change and every one on the bench just looks at each other. No one knows who is going to what position. Who’s up next? No pre-thought to what happens next, just confusion. Great teams know ahead of time who is going where and when. The coach has planned what line to go out next. He’s placed the players where they will be most effective and with others they will be effective skating with.
It's Personal
Great Intentions
I recently had breakfast with one of my good friends, Dave Jenkins, and we were talking about the show “The Biggest Loser” and how so many people buy fitness equipment and then never use it. He shared this quote with me: ”The world has all these great intentions. Too bad most end up in the basement unused.” How true. Even in my own life, I’ve started to workout, lose weight and get back in shape many times only to stop way to soon. All those efforts fall into the “great intentions” pile.
No One Too Lost
Getting a Drink
The night before a football game, our team has a gathering at the house of one of the seniors. His parents supply the food, and we have had these team dinners since before I can remember.
Come Forth as Gold
Everyone knows the story of Job and how God tested him with some pretty serious stuff. Though at times Job questioned why everything was happening to him, he never really lost sight that God was in control. After Job was tested and was proven faithful, God granted him more than he had ever had.
Stay Positive
After a tough loss on Sunday, I really didn’t feel like being very positive. It took me awhile to get out of the locker room because I didn’t want to talk to anybody, let alone face people who would inevitably ask that question, “Did you win?” I shut myself up in my room and didn’t move for a few hours, feeling like not only was I a failure, but also the whole day was as well.
A Life in Balance - Yeah Right!
It seems like I have more stuff to do than time to do it! Can you relate?
The Ties That Bind (Teamwork - Chapter 10)
Most historians believe that modern tennis emerged sometime around the mid-1850s and was based on a similar French game that was invented as far back as the twelfth century. Since that time, the sport has evolved at a rapid pace. From a greater emphasis on power to the size and consistency of the racquets—outside of the rules and prevailing etiquette—there isn’t much left today that resembles the original discipline. Maybe that’s why doubles tennis is so intriguing. There’s something about it that makes you wonder if that’s how the game used to look and feel—with a high value placed on serving and volleying, finesse and creativity.
Counting on God
Sam is a promising, young basketball player. He has all the skills necessary in order to play varsity at his school, but recent injuries and other setbacks have gotten in the way of his hoop dreams. In fact, he just found out he has a stress fracture in his shin, which is news that, at 16, can be heartbreaking. Even though Sam has an unbelievable support system at home, this setback has been incredibly difficult for him to handle.
In life, there aren’t many guarantees. We may have the best game of our life today and then have the worst tomorrow. The only thing we can do is obey our calling to be faithful and do our best for God’s glory.
It’s All about Relationships
Late in 2002, Francisco Rodriguez burst onto the Major League scene as a 20-year-old fireball pitcher, and he promptly helped the Los Angeles Angels win the World Series. On September 13, 2008, he nailed-down the final three outs of the team’s win over the Seattle Mariners to earn his 58th save of the season, thus, breaking the Major League record. After the game, Rodriguez said that during the experience, he could feel the presence of his grandfather, who had passed away 10 years earlier. “I felt like he was right next to me,” Rodriguez said. “He's with me every day. I would give up anything to have him right next to me and enjoy this moment.”
Black Eyes for Jesus
John 3:16 is probably the most recognized verse in the entire Bible. Back in 70s and 80s you would see this verse at large sporting events all over the United States. However, it recently found a home in a different format. College and professional football players now write sayings, area codes, names and other things on their eye black for games. Throughout the past college football season and bowl games, several athletes made it very clear where they stood spiritually based on these marks. Probably most notable, Tim Tebow, from the biggest stage of college football, donned “John” on one side and “3:16” on the other in front of a national and worldwide audience.
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