Imagine an athlete lying outside a doctor’s office for 38 years, unable to walk because both legs are broken. For nearly 4 decades he waits for his name to be called. Then some guy comes up and says, “You’re next. Do you want to get well?” My first response would be, “Duh! Why do you think I’ve been sitting here for so long?” Then I would probably say something like, “I’ve been here so long I’ve read every sports magazine published since 1970, had 13,870 cups of coffee (one a day), and watched 38 World Series. I’m still waiting for the Cubs to win. Of course I want to be healed!”
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Amazing Grace
Last weekend, at FCA's "Weekend of Champions," Pastor Nick Orduna spoke to almost 600 Nebraska high school students about God's amazing grace. He explained how God's grace is marked by His goodness, mercy and never-ending love for us, even though we deserve nothing but judgment and condemnation. How are we fortunate enough to receive God's grace?
Romans 3:23-24 says that we all have fallen short of God's glory, but only by God's grace through the redemption of Jesus Christ can we be saved. It is often easy for us to lose sight of how amazing God's grace really is. We take forgiveness and mercy for granted, and don't even realize the love that God shows through His grace. Can you fully grasp the true meaning of grace?
Ask Dara Torres if you can get better (and faster) with age! Get rid of the Age Excuse!
Acts 13:10
Hockey Chat: Some players try to cheat by making it look like they were fouled. Maybe they got bumped but they make it look like they’ve been hit by a truck. The technical term for this is “Diving” and it is a penalty that will cost the guy trying to twist the system two minutes in the penalty box and possibly up to $1000 fine.
Into God's Way
Picking the Right Team
It’s the time of the year when winter sports teams are taking shape and seasons are hitting full-swing. I can’t help but think back to my days as a hockey player looking forward to team tryouts. I was an eighth grader looking forward to playing hockey and basketball. I was so excited! But, as things unfolded, the first tryouts for hockey came and went, and I didn’t make the team. I was crushed, but I still had high hopes for basketball tryouts. Well, I was cut from that, too. It was tough for me to think that I wasn’t good enough to make either of the teams I wanted so desperately to play for.
Mirror, Mirror
Sharing the Victory Radio Program
Listen to your favorite sports heroes share their lives combining sports and faith on the weekly radio program from FCA.
Ann Bowden with Ron Brown
Ann Bowden, wife of Florida State head football coach Bobby Bowden, talks very fondly of her love and support for Bobby and for her sons who have all been involved in football. She gives a very honest, vulnerable and emotional response to how she handled the tragic situation of losing a son-in-law and grandson in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Taking Care
Hockey Chat: After being picked up in an NHL draft, many players spend time in the minor leagues. It is there that they work hard to prove themselves worthy of moving up to the major league team. When they are called up, they are given a little bit of ice time. Then a bit more as they continue to prove themselves. It’s a matter of earning their ice time and spot in the NHL by proving themselves in the lesser leagues.
Staying in the Draft
In cycling, riders will follow closely behind the cyclist in front of them to decrease the effects of wind resistance. This is called drafting. Drafting allows for faster speeds at an easier effort level. When drafting, you fix your eyes on the back tire of the cyclist in front of you. This requires you to have a great deal of trust in the rider in front of you to pick a straight line, keep a steady pace and to point out pot holes and debris on the street.
Upon arriving in Atlanta for the National Wheelchair Championships, the stewardess informed me that they had forgotten my manual wheelchair in Minneapolis when I had changed planes. Fortunately, they had remembered to load my racing chair, but it arrived with a huge crack in the back wheel frame. I knew that there was no way I’d be racing with that!
As I sat in the claims office, filing reports on these two wheelchairs, I thought back to some verses that I had memorized from Psalm 56:3-4:
When I am afraid,
I will trust in You.
In God, whose word I praise,
in God I trust; I will not fear.
What can man do to me?
These verses calmed my heart. I didn’t know if I’d be racing, but I knew that God was in control of everything.
Biggest Loser - A Full-Time Chef?
If I only had a full-time chef and unlimited time to work out…then I’d be healthy!
God’s Clock
Does the word “wait” cause the hair on the back of your neck to rise like it does mine? As an endurance athlete, a lot of my training can last for several hours. An example would be during one of my former marathon trainings. One week I had a 20-mile run scheduled. Before the first mile was completed I was already thinking, “Wouldn’t it be great if this was mile 19 and I only had one mile to go?” I was wishing that I could fast-forward through my run and just see the end results.
Because You Can't, I Will.
This weekend I ran my first 25k. It was a great experience, one that I will definitely try again. It was easy to find inspiration all around. There were athletes in wheelchairs competing, a father pushing his disabled son through the race, and people wearing shirts bearing the name of a sick loved one.
Travel - Surviving the Road
Travel takes us out of our normal routines and causes some to throw off restraint!
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