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  • Demolishers!

    December 18, 2013


    When I was at the University of Kentucky, my team was expected to win a National Championship every year—and we did. It was the cheerleading team, and I was the mascot. Regardless of the sport, expectations go a long way in determining wins and losses. What about in faith? What are our expectations for winning and losing spiritual battles?

  • Desire - Part 1

    April 18, 2007

    A couple of weeks ago, during the 2007 Masters golf tournament, commentator Nick Faldo addressed the three character traits he believed were necessary to be a champion: desire, determination and courage. Faldo expressed that, in order to put on that coveted green jacket awarded to the Masters champion, a golfer must have the desire to win.
    Faldo is certainly right about one thing: desire is necessary in becoming a champion. Why else would we put ourselves through the pain and agony of intense training, the discipline and focus of honing our technique? Why else would we spend hours upon hours studying our particular game? Is it not desire that causes great athletes to dig deep and find a way to win?

  • Desire - Part 2

    April 19, 2007

    In yesterday's devo, we talked about our own personal desire to love and serve the Lord, and how that will keep us focused on His game plan. Today, we'll focus on what role desire plays in others. Specifically, what do your words and actions inspire in those around you? 
    If we are seeking to fulfill Christ's Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20), then our actions should have specific results. We should see the hunger for God's goodness and the thirst for the things of Heaven grow and develop in those around us. 

  • Determined

    September 29, 2013


    When I think of a person who is determined, I think of someone who is strong and resolved; has deep inner convictions that drive their actions; ready to sacrifice; focused on their goal; and not easily distracted. I think of a person who refuses to give in and fights to the end. Teams that are determined will always give it their all. Determination is a great quality if it is for the right reasons.

    The Book of Daniel begins with Nebuchadnezzar besieging Jerusalem. Defeat happened quickly, and God handed the king of Judah to Nebuchadnezzar who declared defeat of Israel’s God and proclaimed his god, “Marduk,” more powerful. But the game was not over. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, knew that God always wins and chose to trust Him.

  • Deuteronomy 20:2

    September 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Some of the greatest games began with a good ol’ locker room pep talk.  It was a talk by the coach or team captain.  It was the motivation to start the team off on the strong foot and carry them through the game.  Sure the team could’ve went out there and played the game without the words of wisdom, but the outcome may not have been the same.

  • Devotion: A Way of Life

    February 19, 2013


    In the ancient Middle East, there were three ways to obtain water. Digging a well was one way; carving out a cistern was another. Both required hard work and human energy. The third way came naturally, up through the earth, when a spring of water bubbled to the surface. We find in Scripture that such a spring became a picture of God’s grace and provision. Jesus told the woman at the well, “The water I will give him will become like a well of water springing up within him for eternal life” (John 4:14b).

  • Did Not See It Coming

    March 15, 2013


    John was a great miler who liked to take the lead early in the race and run to victory. His coach was concerned about an upcoming race. John’s top opponent liked to come from behind to win.

    When the race started, John raced to the lead. His coach told him to move to the inside of lane one, but John ignored him. Laps two and three, his coach said the same thing, but John only grew upset with him. On lap four, his coach was insistent, but John stayed firm.

  • Did you hear that

    July 23, 2007

    Did you hear that?
    I couldn't get to sleep last night. There were too many thoughts racing around in my mind, bumping into each other, forgetting where they were supposed to be, getting all jumbled and confused. Then one thought walked out of the nonsense and stood still, clear, fully complete: God is always listening.

  • Didn't See It Coming

    February 11, 2004


    John was a great miler. He always liked to take the lead early in the race and run to victory. His coach, however, was concerned about an upcoming race. John's top opponent would be one who liked to come from behind to win.

    When the race started, like clockwork, John raced to the lead. His coach told him to move to the inside of lane one, but John ignored him. He liked to run in the first lane, but not always on the inside. Laps two and three, his coach said the same thing, but John only grew upset with him. John knew he had the lead — the victory was his. On lap four, his coach was more insistent that John move to the inside of lane one, but John stayed firm in the middle of the lane.

  • Dig In

    July 20, 2013


    Question: Would you rather have one incredible sports season filled with recognition and awards, or five average seasons filled with good, solid consistent performances? How we answer that challenging question reveals how we are wired as competitors. Are you the type of competitor who looks for the next big opportunity or who digs in right where you are? In the sports world today, we see players jump teams mid-season, coaches leave great programs for bigger paychecks, and even entire teams change cities. The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence, doesn’t it? That is why we are quick to pursue the next big, great opportunity.

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