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  • The Voice of Truth

    December 06, 2009


    I love sports movies, but my all-time favorite is "Hoosiers." It might have something to do with my being a former Indiana high school basketball player, and the movie was filmed in the 80's when I was in college. One scene stood out in the movie to me. In one game, Hickory (the high school) was in need of a sub, and the coach didn't have anyone to put in the game except Ollie the manager. So coach put him in late in the game, and Ollie got fouled and had to go to the line for two free throws. The crowd was yelling, the opposing team was taunting, and Ollie's knees were shaking as he stepped to the line.

  • The Want

    March 30, 2013


    Athletes desire great things. This desire drives them to compete, pursue, and strive toward their ultimate goal for the season. I call this the “want” to achieve. The trouble comes in a team sport when the “wants” of different athletes don’t match. The goal of a coach is to get the entire team to “want” the same thing and strive toward that end.

    Paul had quite a resume in life. He was a who’s who of people of his time, but his desire or “want” in life was much different than others of his day. All the accolades others aspired to, Paul did not want. He was focused on one area only: the desire to know Jesus Christ better each day.

  • The War That Rages On

    October 28, 2013


    Watch any of the famous Rocky movies and you’ll find a prime example of someone who never gave up in battle. With every movie, Sylvester Stallone’s character, Rocky Balboa, faced an even bigger challenge. Yet through each 12-round beating, he always managed to get back up on his feet and find victory.

  • The Watchfulness of God

    March 15, 2014


    Most of the time when I was involved in sports, I had very few people rooting for me in the stands. Yet, when my family could come to watch me, I was very keenly aware of where they were at in the stands. I remember one particular high school track meet near Cincinnati. My parents were there watching, my brother and sisters were present, and many of my classmates were there, so I wanted to do my very best.

    In the Old Testament, we read that King David was involved in bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. As he was doing so, he became caught up in the moment. Before they had taken more than a half dozen steps, David halted the procession to offer a sacrifice to God. He literally rejoiced at every step.

  • The Water of Life

    July 31, 2009

    Water is important. Throughout the ages, it has been a vital part of human culture. Look at the most ancient civilizations, like Egypt, and they are guaranteed to be built around water.
    Now look at your life as an athlete. More than likely, you also have to build your athletic program in some way around water so that you won't get thirsty or dehydrated. It may not be a river, or a pool, but I'm sure there's at least a water bottle involved.

  • The Waterboy

    December 06, 2012

    The Waterboy

    Last summer at FCA Captain’s Camp, high school athletes were pushed to their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual limits. Thankfully, my job was simple – I was the “Waterboy”. When I was a high school athlete, waterboys were often treated as the “least” important part of the team. They did the job no one else wanted to do.

    But Jesus never views those who play a seemingly “small” role as unimportant. He never looked down on those who served behind the scenes or did the jobs nobody else wanted. In fact, Jesus flips that concept on its head. He says the least among us will be the greatest. Those we consider great – the best players, the best coaches – will only be considered great in God’s eyes if they serve like the Waterboy serves.

  • The Whole Picture

    April 03, 2007

    Back in 2006, the FCA staff in Florida suggested we do a story in STV magazine about the University of Florida Huddle President, Lee Humphrey. Lee was a starter on the Gators' basketball team, and apparently was just an all-around outstanding example of Christ. At the time we received the article idea, however, we were already finished with our college basketball stories for the spring and were unable to do the article.

  • The Whole Versus the Individual

    February 21, 2014


    It is hard to believe that David felt not one twinge of joy when Saul died; after all, Saul had made his life miserable for nearly twenty years. The sad truth is that neither Saul’s life nor his death glorified God. For that, David was sad, and in his lament of the bow, a song of sorrow, he chose to remember Saul’s accomplishments. David could have chosen to focus on the cruelty Saul inflicted upon him. Instead he chose to view Saul’s death from a national perspective rather than a personal one. God and Israel were David’s primary concerns, not himself, and he realized that he was merely one individual in an entire nation. It was largely this “kingdom” mentality, a teamminded approach, that allowed him to maintain proper perspective.

  • The Will

    July 26, 2013


    Young people today are commonly confused by discipline, seeing it as punishment rather than a virtue needed to train effectively. The will or discipline of a competitor can be seen in how he/she perseveres through tough times.

  • The Witness of Kindness

    December 13, 2010


    I don’t know if any of you saw the Jets/Dolphins game yesterday or if you caught the highlights on SportsCenter, but if you did, you probably saw the clip of Jets strength and conditioning coach Sal Alosi tripping Dolphins CB Nolan Carroll as he was running down the sideline. Alosi was quick to apologize and make amends with the offended parties, so I’m not by any means pointing fingers at him. It was probably just a very bad decision made in the heat of the moment during competition.

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