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  • The Power of the Resurrection

    January 06, 2012


    When it comes to endurance, the power of the resurrection is necessary. As a triathlete who constantly goes through training cycles that push my limits, I often get skeptical about how far I can go or how much I can push myself. After a long race, I feel completely spent, like I’m older than the hills and will never fully recover. But given time and the fact that the body is a work of God—a miracle by all accounts—and in spite of personal human doubt, I spring back, stronger and better than before.

  • The Priceless Gift of Serving!

    February 28, 2014


    Most people think that serving is the same as service, but I believe that there is a huge difference between the two. Service is something we pay for or something we might come to expect at a restaurant or at a gas station. But serving goes deeper. Serving deals with heart issues, involves sacrifice and meets real needs. We don’t pay for serving, though it can be costly.

    Christ did not come to give good service. He came to serve. Athletes are not required to give good service to their teammates, but Christian athletes are called to serve. Coaches who follow the greatest servant who ever lived also have the privilege of serving their teams, not just providing a service to them.

  • The Priority of Serving

    April 27, 2013


    There is an old story about a coach who was about to drown in a lake. A passerby jumped in and saved him. After the rescue, the coach went to visit his lifesaver to thank him. The coach said, “Sir, thank you for saving my life. I owe you everything.” The lifesaver responded, “Coach, you owe me nothing. Just see to it that you were worth saving.”

  • The Prize

    March 24, 2014


    All through the NFL playoffs, I spent much time scanning the various channels and listening to the experts’ analytical approaches to each matchup: who was going to win, who should win, who won't win and why it was important to win at all. When it comes to what is truly important, I think of the FCA Coaches Mandate, which offers a different take on importance.

    After reading this, the concept takes on a different meaning, depending on where you are in your life and your faith. Read it here.

  • The Process

    July 01, 2013


    Ask any athlete who has ever won a championship game if they regret the time and effort they spent developing as a player. In the middle of the season, they may have been frustrated or tired, but when the end result is being a champion, no one wishes they had put in less effort or spent less time practicing.

    In Mark 8 Jesus was confronted by a blind man with a pretty direct request: he wanted to see. Jesus touched the man and asked if he saw anything. He could see, but not clearly. Did Jesus make a mistake? Or did He want the man to learn something about the way He works?

  • The Quest for Consistency (Integrity - Chapter 1)

    April 07, 2008


    Living in full view of the microscopic public eye can test the will of even the strongest of characters. Tony Dungy can certainly attest to that brutal truth. As the celebrated head coach of the Indianapolis Colts, he’s experienced the pinnacle of success, the most tragic of personal losses and everything in between.

    For the average Joe, experiencing a few highs and lows with plenty of non-descript days in between is simply called “life.” But for Dungy—when every detail is reported, discussed, prognosticated and opined—life is something completely different and looks more like a virtual three-ring circus in which triumphs and defeats are fodder for the masses.

  • The Race

    November 10, 2010


    Perhaps more than anyone else, we coaches can appreciate the athletic imagery used in the Bible. The writer of Hebrews encourages his readers to “run the race” that is set before them, and from his words we can draw four encouragements as we run the spiritual race of faith set before us.

  • The Race Not Run

    March 16, 2012


    I was training for a marathon—the beautiful, romantic, epic Paris Marathon. But, because I am a follower of Jesus, each morning begins with God, reading His Word and seeking His heart for the day. From there, I head off to work, where I run on my lunch breaks and then do my long runs on Saturdays.

    After Christ, my family is the second-most important thing in my life. Normally I train with my wife, and we relish the time together. This time around, however, my training was going far better than I’d dreamed!

  • The Race That Lies Before Us

    October 26, 2012

    The Race That Lies Before Us

    When Matt Barkley decided to attend and play football at the University of Southern California, visions of conference and national championships surely ran through his mind. But rather than seeing those dreams become reality, he was instead thrust into the role of the man who would lead the cardinal and gold through the darkness of NCAA sanctions. Given the opportunity to transfer or pursue NFL stardom, Barkley instead chose to remain at Southern Cal and now, in the midst of his senior season, he’s rewriting the Pac-12 Conference and Trojan record books.

  • The Real Head Coach

    September 04, 2010


    It’s the start of practice. Everyone has high hopes, goals, and expectations for the upcoming season. As Christians, the biggest goals are the ones God has for us as coaches and the athletes He has entrusted to our care.

    God has created each one of our team members, the coaching staff, parents, and all those connected with our programs. Twice in the verses above we are reminded of Jesus’ work in creating all things. In fact, today’s passage tells us that all things were created not only by Him, but also for Him. He also promises to hold thing—all things—together. This may not mean victory, or lack of challenges, but things will be  held together to accomplish His perfect plan and will in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

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