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  • Pro Perspectives - Case Keenum Video Study

    September 02, 2011


    Winning for Christ

    Watch the video and walk through the questions below.

    Key Verse: In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus— Philippians 2:5 (NIV)

    • Can you think of anyone that you know who has a winning-for-Christ attitude? Are you one of these people?
    • How can you demonstrate winning for Christ as you play your sport?
    • When you walk off the court or field, what will people say about you?
    • Read Philippians 2:5. How are we supposed to act in relationships with one another?
    • What would have happened if Case hadn’t acted with the mindset of Jesus Christ?

  • Case Keenum - Pro Perspectives

    September 02, 2011


    After watching the video, walk through the companion study

  • Pro Perspectives - Kara Lawson Video Study

    September 02, 2011


    Walking Without Fear

    Watch the video, then walk through the following questions:

    Key Verse: Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

  • Kara Lawson - Pro Perspectives

    September 02, 2011


    After watching the video, walk through the companion study

  • Pro Perspectives - Matt Holiday Video Study

    September 02, 2011


    What Are You Playing For?

    Watch the video and walk through the questions below:

    Key Verse: …I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued to extend faithful love to you. Jeremiah 31:3

  • Matt Holiday - Pro Perspectives

    September 02, 2011


    After watching the video, walk through the companion study

  • Devotional Collections

    August 26, 2011


    FCA selects some of the best devotional content, featured in a variety of our resources and makes them available online, at no cost!

    Use the links below to browse or purchase devotionals from the printed editions.

    Coach's Bible

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  • God's Bigger Plan

    August 22, 2011


    In church recently my pastor spoke about Acts 17:26 and how each of us was made by God for a reason. It wasn’t a just coincidence that I was born 22 years ago or that I was put in Austin, Texas three months ago because my job relocated me.

    Oftentimes it’s easy for us to forget the simple fact that with God everything happens for a reason.

    Sometimes working so hard in my job distracts me from what God has set me on earth to do—serve others. But, the neat thing is our ministry doesn’t have to begin after our normal work hours, when school is let out or at the once a year mission trip. It’s something we should be doing constantly and enjoy doing it too!

  • Party like you just hit a walk-off

    August 22, 2011


    I don’t know if you caught any of the highlights on SportsCenter this morning, but if you did, you probably saw Johnny Damon’s walk-off home run last night that gave the Tampa Bay Rays an 8-7 win over the Seattle Mariners. It was a nice shot to right field on the first pitch he was given in the ninth inning. And, as is typical in any walk-off situation, Damon’s teammates gathered around home plate to meet him as he rounded the bases and celebrate the victory with a tiny sports version of a mosh pit.

  • The Larry Principle

    August 16, 2011


    Larry, at only 13 years old, impacted my life.

    At the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, we have a tradition that has occurred at every camp for more than 55 years. On the last night, we have open mic session when athletes come forward and share how camp has impacted their lives. It is always the highlight of the entire week of camp.

    I will never forget an FCA Leadership Camp I was directing several years ago when Larry got up to share at the open mic night. After a terrific week of training middle school and high school students on how to impact their campus for Christ, it was now time to hear how God had worked in their hearts towards leadership. Service projects, leadership workshops, hands-on training, inspiring speakers and powerful worship had marked the week.

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