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  • Clayton Kershaw

    May 01, 2011


  • Home Stretch: Denard Span

    May 01, 2011

    Home Stretch: Denard Span

    “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

    My story began in Tampa, Fla., where my mother, Wanda, raised my older brother, Ray, and I by herself. Like most boys, Ray and I both loved sports, especially football, basketball and baseball. He was four years older than me, and, being typical brothers, we were always competing with each other. While he won most of our driveway basketball games, he was no match for me on the Super Nintendo.

  • Heart of an Athlete: Thomas Wood

    May 01, 2011

    Heart of an Athlete: Thomas Wood

    “…the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

    North Carolina junior attackman Thomas Wood developed a love for both lacrosse and the FCA ministry at an early age. Looking back over his life so far, he is able to see how the avenues of sports and faith have always been connected. In fact, according to Wood, his spiritual journey with Christ has made a direct and tangible impact on his lacrosse career, shaping him both as a player on the field and a leader off of it.

  • Heart of a Coach: Gessica Hufnagle

    May 01, 2011

    Heart of a Coach: Gessica Hufnagle

    “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.”Matthew 6:33

    Add Gessica Hufnagle’s name to the ever-expanding list of former players turned coaches. As a four-year letter-winner at Notre Dame, the Indiana native officially joined the coaching ranks in 2008 after a standout career at both catcher and outfielder for the Irish. Now in her third season as an assistant softball coach at the University of Southern Mississippi, Hufnagle is learning more each day about what it takes to be a godly coach and spiritual guide for her players.

  • Fit4Ever: Training Aimlessly

    May 01, 2011

    Fit4Ever: Training Aimlessly

    “...I do not run like one who runs aimlessly…Instead, I discipline my body and bring it under strict control, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified.” - 1 Corinthians 9:26-27

    “Living without a purpose and a plan is like sailing a ship without a rudder—you’ll float aimlessly in circles and go nowhere.” – Unknown

    Don’t you just love that quote? Personally, I believe it paints a great word picture for life, especially as it pertains to our physical health.


  • The Play Clock

    April 28, 2011


    When you go into a game, athletes have to think they will win. They can’t think they might win. They have to think they will win. If that happens on both sides, it means that there will be two teams entering the game thinking the same thing, and only one will get to live it out. No matter how much we wish we could all win, in the end, one of us will lose. And a big determining factor in who comes out victorious is the infamous game clock.

    No matter how much we wish we could, we can’t put more time on the clock in any game. Each game we play is set up to be played in a certain amount of time. Whether it is counted by seconds and minutes or by innings or sets, each game has a set time frame. What we do in this amount of time determines the outcome of the game.

  • Bob Froese

    April 28, 2011


    Former NHL goaltender-turned-pastor Bob Froese talks about his days of defending pucks to currently defending the Good Newsl of Jesus Christ.


  • Paid In Full

    April 25, 2011

    Several years ago, I received a letter from the American Honda Financial Corporation, the business from which I borrowed the money to pay for my car. The top line read,  "OFFICIAL NOTICE THAT YOUR BALANCE HAS BEEN PAID IN FULL. " Since I had purchased this car just a few months prior, I knew there was no way that my last payment had payed for my car IN FULL. 
    I thought of my dad first, that he would be the only person who would do something like this. But when I called him, he said that he had not. I shared with another FCA staff member about the letter and asked him if he knew anything about it.

  • Distraction

    April 21, 2011


    You step to the free throw line and look at the rim. “Just put the ball through the hoop, and we go to overtime,” you say to yourself. You've done this thousands of times in practice. Bounce the ball three times, spin it in your hands, look up at the rim and let her fly. But just when you're about to shoot, you take your eyes off the rim and gaze through the glass backboard at what seems like a million fans yelling, screaming, waving things, and doing whatever they can to distract you from making this shot. A home crowd would never try to distract you, but this is enemy territory, and they will do whatever they can to make you miss this shot.

    You try to refocus. You let the ball go. It heads toward the hoop, bounces off the rim, and out…

  • Perfection

    April 20, 2011


    Baseball fans may remember one of the most notable events of last season. It was on June 2, 2010. Pitcher Armando Galarraga was one out away from a perfect game: no hits, no walks, no errors. An easy ground ball was hit to the first baseman who tossed the ball to Galarraga, who was covering the first base bag. His catch clearly beat the runner to the bag for the final out of the game, but a veteran umpire called the runner safe, therefore ending Galarraga’s perfect game. This mistake showed that even the veteran umpire wasn’t perfect. And, in reality, none of us are.

    Every one of us makes mistakes. We all make misjudgments, bad calls and show our imperfections in a variety of ways. But there was one Man who lived the only perfect life in history: Jesus Christ.

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