When Scott Drew took over as the head men’s basketball coach at Baylor in 2003, the program was mired in controversy. But Drew didn’t shy away from the rebuilding process. Instead, he put into action the basketball and spiritual lessons he’d learned from his father, respected Valparaiso University Head Coach, Homer Drew. Now eight seasons into the job and the turmoil a distant memory, the oldest of the Drew children is looking to lead the Bears to another NCAA Tournament run and develop excellent men of faith in the process.
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Fit4Ever: The Search Party
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” – Matthew 13:44 (NIV)
When my wife asks me to go to the grocery store for “just a few things,” I know I’m probably in for a long day. On those days, you’ll find me searching aisle by aisle and, more often than not, on the phone asking her for help. It’s similar to when she tells me to look for something in her purse. I don’t even make an attempt. I’ve learned it’s much faster to just get the purse and bring it to her.
Begin to Possess
Set:One thing I've learned is that there are many ways of handling tough situations. I've gone the route of "putting off" in hopes that the Lord would miraculously take a tough situation away. But since that usually doesn't work, here's what I've learned: God expects us to take the first step in the right direction--the step of faith. -
Hungry? Why wait?
Set:As an athlete, I get hungry after a workout. We all do! If we don't eat, it affects everything we do. We get lazy and don't want to do anything. An average human needs to eat at least every four to five hours.The same mindset we have for eating actual food should also be the mindset we have for taking in God's Word. His Word has to be honey to our lips and water to our souls. If we go too long without eating spiritual food we will turn to desires of the flesh to satisfy those internal needs.
What Would You Ask?
Set:If you had the opportunity to sit down with the coach you considered to be the all-time greatest in your sport, what would you ask him or her to teach you? But say you only got to make ONE request. That would change everything, wouldn’t it?
My all-time favorite coach was John Wooden. There are a ton of things I would have liked to ask Coach Wooden, so, narrowing it down to just one question would have been extremely difficult. But, after thinking about it, I believe the one topic I would have chosen would have been team chemistry. How did he get all those different players to bond together for the common cause of winning another title? There are so many other things I could ask him, but, in team sports today, chemistry means just as much as X’s and O’s.
Set:I'm sure you can remember some part of your physical training program that you thought was surely designed to kill you. Maybe it was a set of "gassers," or running the lines on the court, or a 10-minute run. These torturous drills were always at the end of a hard practice. My least favorite was a timed quarter-mile run at the end of a season-starting football practice. Coming around the last turn my legs would burn like they were on fire, and it would feel like someone had stabbed me in the side with a knife. I was certain the coach's goal was to kill us. But those coaches weren't overly interested in how much we hurt that day. They were looking ahead to the season and were getting us ready for not just our first game, but our last game, as well.
Tracey DeKeyser
Get to know Tracey DeKeyser, the assistant women's hockey coach for the Wisconsin Badgers, by listening to this exciting conversation about her career, faith and family.
New Believer Collegiate Study
This study was compiled from resources created by Campus Crusade for Christ & Athletes in Action and is being used by athletes at the University of Georgia. Feel free to use the download button below.
This study includes 16 sessions:
A Lesson from the Big Game
Set:Congratulations to Packers fans! You all certainly have reason to celebrate this morning after the great victory in last night’s Super Bowl. Wear the cheeseheads all day and enjoy the moment!
As I watched the post-game coverage on SportsCenter this morning, I saw tons of highlights from the winning team, but there was one thing in the bottom ticker that caught my attention. It was a comment from Steelers’ quarterback Ben Roethlisberger who said, “I feel like I let the city of Pittsburgh down and the fans and my coaches and my teammates, and it’s not a good feeling.”
Man, I feel for Big Ben. That has to be a tough spot. But, honestly, I can’t think of an athlete or coach who hasn’t experienced this feeling.
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