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Attitude of Gratitude
Set:Athletes of all levels feel a sense of entitlement. Since leaving coaching, I have noticed a lack of daily gratefulness in athletes. I see managers serve water to athletes who turn around and drop the bottles on the ground instead of handing it back to the manager standing right there! I see Little League players disregard instructions from coaches and umpires because they know better. What has happened to the attitude of gratitude—of having a thankful heart for those who serve or care enough to help?In Psalm 136, the author makes a very clear point. It states 26 times that we should give thanks to the Lord. The trouble is that we treat the Lord the same as some athletes treat those who try to help them. -
Time Out
Set:A personal journey with Jesus is like a football game in the sense that both require the active participation of the players. An athlete who gets in the game and competes for victory is like a Christian who seeks to demonstrate his faith with good works. James wrote, “Someone will say, ‘You have faith, and I have works.’ Show me your faith without works, and I will show you faith from my works” (Jms 2:18). Athletes who compete with all their heart make their coach proud, even if mistakes happen. A believer who walks by faith makes the Lord pleased, even if he stumbles, and God calls him a friend (Jms 2:23).
Game Ready
Set:Game day is here. Have I lifted enough? Have I practiced enough? Have I worked hard enough to be ready to compete tonight? These are all questions that run through our minds before we take the field of play. As we sit in the locker room readying for battle, the question we have to answer is, “Am I game ready?”
The Priority of Serving
Set:There is an old story about a coach who was about to drown in a lake. A passerby jumped in and saved him. After the rescue, the coach went to visit his lifesaver to thank him. The coach said, “Sir, thank you for saving my life. I owe you everything.” The lifesaver responded, “Coach, you owe me nothing. Just see to it that you were worth saving.”
Conquering Fear: 37X
Set:One of the great teachers I had in high school was my football coach. I remember one particular night during a junior varsity football game that our coach taught us a lesson we would never forget.
The Butler Way: One Day Better
Set:The success of the Butler Bulldogs men's basketball program didn't happen overnight.
Why Not Now?
Set:In Matthew 8:19-22, it would seem that Jesus was heartless and uncaring with the disciple. The reality was that Jesus had need of him at that moment, but the young man’s current condition or situation kept him from committing to God. What present situations or conditions keep us from God? What will we miss by not following Him today? What have we already missed by not choosing Him before?
The sweet reality is that God knows us and is well acquainted with our circumstances and conditions. If we always waited for the most appropriate time to come to God, we may never come at all.
Hold the Line!
Set:Every football player knows the value of a good offensive line. There’s a mild disgust when a defensive back finds a hole and the play is over before the offense could produce something. That’s where it all starts—or ends. There’s something formed in the hearts of men/women when they stand shoulder to shoulder with their teammates; and the strength as a unit is greater than the sum of the parts. There’s a bond formed and a confidence forged deep in the soul.
Remembering a Volunteer
Set:I can still remember the smell of my first baseball glove. I remember begging my mom and dad to let me play ball. I remember getting the call from my coach to let me know what team I would be on and putting my uniform on as soon as I received it. I remember opening day, the first game, the sno cones, Frito pies for supper, talking about the upcoming game with my friends at school, facing them the next day after a loss, and my mom and dad never letting me blame anything on the umpires, teammates or coaches. I remember my parents staying late after the game and visiting with friends, going to the ballpark even when we didn’t have a game, and the end-of-the-year party.
Leaving It on the Field
Set:I had just witnessed one of the most exciting and gut-wrenching football games of my life. The home team fought its way back from a ten-point deficit in the final minutes of the fourth quarter and sent the game into overtime. However, an interception destroyed the home team’s effort to win. For what seemed like an eternity, the stands were quiet; no one was quite sure how to respond, but as the team began to leave the field, the fans stood, clapped, and cheered. The home team had lost the game but had captured the hearts of the fans.
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