As athletes we really don't like losing, do we? And we love winning. We always strive for a winning season or perfect record, no matter what it may take: pain, blood, sweat and maybe even tears.
This is sort of like life. There will be winners and there will be losers. But as Christians who stand up for God and are saved through the shed blood of Jesus Christ we will end up having the overall victory. We will defeat Satan and all his demons and live eternally in heaven.
Many athletes today are so wrapped up in sports they believe that there is no time for God. As Christians, however, it is our duty to witness to them as it says in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). As victors we should spread and share the victory with others. While doing this we should keep our heads and be proud that we are saved and have won the victory, while at the same time remaining humble in the eyes of God.
Next time you are out playing your sport trying to win, remember to do it for God. And while you're in pain, remember that there will be no more pain in heaven. Remember that all your material possesions and even your physical body will all pass away, but your soul and salvation shall live forever.