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Extreme Pictionary
Needs: Game Leader (to tell drawers what to draw and to give a point for each correct guess); a whiteboard and markers
Fast-Paced Game:
Divide the group into 2+ teams, each with a team name. One member from each time goes up to the board, and the game leader whispers in each drawer's ear the same thing to draw.
Ready, Set, Draw! Without talking, each "artist" does his best to get his team to guess what he is drawing.
When the answer is shouted out, that round ends and the next round begins immediately! Anybody can run up to the board and start drawing for his/her team.
The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. (Optional: Award candy to the winning team.)
Keep the energy high and the music going.
FCA Teams Playbook
The FCA Teams Playbook is designed to equip, encourage and empower FCA Teams coaches. This resource outlines the philosophies and guidelines expected of FCA Teams coaches, players and parents.
This playbook will play a powerful role in providing a framework for coaches to unite their teams with a common purpose, vision and mission and to accomplish their goals and objectives.
Download the complete FCA Teams Playbook using the link below.
This document requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. (PDF)
FCA Hockey presents Christian Cup VIII
FCA Hockey presents Christian Cup VIII to be hosted in Minneapolis, Minnesota April 8-10, 2011
The Christian Cup is an adult hockey tournament that seeks to glorify Jesus Christ. In the last seven years, the Christian Cup has provided great times of fellowship, encouragement, and of course hockey.
The 2011 tournament will consist of 16-20 teams from across the U.S. and Canada. The teams will be split into three divisions: A, B and C levels in order to provide best possible player experience. Each team will be guaranteed four games, which will be held at the National Sports Complex (NSC) SuperRink in Blaine, Minn.
The Game - Get Focused Study
“There’s definitely a right and a wrong. And I know what that is.”
-Michelle, junior on girl’s varsity soccer team.
Living the Christian Life - Louie Giglio Study
Key Verse: "Then he said to the crowd, 'If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me.'" - Luke 9:23
Have you ever felt like your life is so messed up that you have blown your chance with God? Explain.
Christ does not love us based on our performance, but what He did at the cross for us. Have you ever struggled with feeling that you’re not doing enough for God? Why do you feel that way?
In the Christian faith, the cross symbolizes everything we believe. What does the cross of Christ mean to you?
J.D. Drew - Accepting Christ and Playing Baseball
Watch the video, then walk through the questions below.
Key Verse: Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me. – Revelation 3:20
Fields of Faith Press Release Kit
These documents help promote your Fields of Faith event to local radio, TV and newspapers. Includes a guide and a sample press release.
The Training - Get Focused Study
“If I had only thought ahead I wouldn’t be in this situation.”
–– 16-year-old Steve, after losing the use of his legs from diving out of a boat after drinking
Session 7: Rise Into Glory
How Can I Discover The Deeper Things of God?
What is it that allows some athletes to soar to the top of their sport? Many athletes have strong skills, are disciplined, and strive with determination, but a few rise above the crowds into glory and greatness.
Describe a time when you found your authentic swing, when you were “in the zone,” or when you rose into a level of play beyond your normal experience. During that time, what was the focus of your heart, soul, mind, and strength?
Which outside factors or internal beliefs tend to distract you from playing “in the zone” or playing out of your own glory?
Harlem to Honolulu
It takes the average frequent flyer 12 months to travel enough miles to qualify for Southwest Airlines’ companion pass. Les and Chris Steckel only needed eight.
In their first year of ministry, the FCA President and “First Lady” were on the road as many days as a typical person spends in an office during an entire calendar year. But it wasn’t without purpose. Both Les and Chris knew they were called to spend that time immersing themselves in the FCA field, learning from and building relationships with staff across the country.
To Save a Life - I Feel So Alone Study
Jake was looking at Roger’s blog and realized how alone Roger felt. As he reads the blog it flashes back to how Roger felt about his life at school. Roger talks through his pain and struggle of why he felt so hopeless and alone.
“My eyes are always on the LORD, for He will pull my feet out of the net. Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am alone and afflicted. The distresses of my heart increase; bring me out of my sufferings.” - Psalms 25:15-17
Discussion Questions
Many students in your school have felt like Roger did. What are some of the warning signs you can look for?
Case Keenum Video Devotion Series – Part I
After leading the nation in total offense and passing yards per game last season, University of Houston quarterback Case Keenum was all set to lead the Cougars to another great run in 2010. That all changed, however, when in just their third game Keenum suffered a season-ending knee injury that forced him to the sideline for his senior season. As a man of faith, the injury forced Keenum to rely on the Lord in new ways and to fully trust in the Lord’s ultimate plan.
Fields of Faith Promo Card
The Fields of Faith bookmark is available as a print-ready PDF or customizable Word document.
Promo Card - Basic (.pdf)
Customizable Promo Card (.docx)
Just One Word – Part 2
In yesterday’s Impact Play, we talked about the value of a one-word theme for the year. Now, if you are like me, you have done your fair share of year-end goal-setting, but, as time goes by, you begin to feel guilty as you fall short of the goals. For me, I got so frustrated at one point with the whole process of resolutions that I boycotted the whole idea and avoided setting any goals at all. That didn’t work either. Instead, I just felt guilty about being the slacker who didn't set any goals. In both cases, I always wound up feeling defeated.
Session 5: Power Up
How Do I Walk In The Power Of The Spirit?
As athletes, many factors play into our success on the court or field of competition. Fitness, nutrition, rest, proper attitude, and mental focus are just some of the less visible factors that determine how we’ll perform. Even though these things are not as visible as skills training or weight training, they play a vital role in being game ready.
Session 2: The Final Buzzer
How Can I Experience Eternal Life?
Time is always a major factor. We live in a world of 60-minute games, 30-second time-outs, 3-second lane violations, 2-minute warnings, and other time crunchers like having 2 outs and 2 strikes in the bottom of the 9th inning.
Describe a situation when time played a role in the outcome of a competition. What adjustments were you or your team forced to make as the clock ran down?
List three emotions that you’ve felt when under pressure. What impact did those emotions have on your ability to perform?
Strength in Numbers (Teamwork - Chapter 2)
Shaun Alexander has always been a winner. If you ask him the secret of his success, he will probably list more than just one—including the vital component of exemplary teamwork.
Teamwork has been a part of Alexander’s competitive life as long as he’s been donning pads and strapping on a helmet. It fueled his success at Boone County High School in Florence, Kentucky, and vetted his Southeastern Conference (SEC) championship run at Alabama in 1999. The same holds true for the Seattle Seahawks’ 2005 National Football Conference title that led to a berth in Super Bowl XL.
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