With more than 500 new energy drinks launched worldwide this year, every parent and student in America needs to do their homework and be aware of what they are drinking. For instance, did you know that an 8-ounce Red Bull contains the caffeine equivalent of a cup of coffee (almost 2.5 times the amount in Coke)? Many of these drinks also pack in a ton of sugar and other “natural” ingredients, many of which are additional stimulants. As the popularity of energy drinks grows, it is important to have the information you need to make the best-possible decisions concerning your body.
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Fit 4 Ever: Boost Your Metabolism
Take a look at virtually every magazine cover, and you will find the phrase “Boost your metabolism!” Having a slow metabolism is an often-used excuse when we describe our struggles to lose weight. The truth is that we all have a different rate at which we burn calories, but we also have a variety of solutions to the “slow metabolism syndrome.”
Soil of the Subpar Season
On this day, you left nothing behind. Your sweat-soaked uniform provides the proof. As you stand alongside your teammates you can hear the sound of the exuberant crowd cheering. In time, your body will ache, but not now. Not just yet. It will be tomorrow before the cuts and bruises remind you of the painful, hard-fought game. For right now, posters wave and arms remain outstretched in celebration. These are the sights and sounds of victory. Unfortunately, they are not for you. Your supporters are silent and still; they are rocks among the waves of fans who have crashed the field to celebrate with the victors.
Fit 4 Ever: Top 8 Things You Can Do to Get in Shape
Remember those things that we were so committed to doing at the start of 2006? You know, those resolutions? Some of us may have resolved to read the Bible more or to pray every day while others may have made commitments to get in shape or to lose weight. Whatever our New Year’s resolutions, chances are good that by now we’ve already broken or forgotten them altogether. So with all these good intentions, why is it always so difficult to actually do what we say we are going to do? With respect to our health, most of us have heard and know what we need to do to get in shape. But hearing, knowing and doing are very different things!
Fit 4 Ever: Time to Recharge
Has your cell phone battery ever died? Mine sure has. Every night I plug in my cell so that it can recharge. But if it doesn't charge long enough, its battery dies early. And a quick tricklecharge in the car doesn't seem to help at all.
Have you ever considered how much sleep for your body is like recharging your own battery? When we don't get enough sleep, we run out of charge.
Fit 4 Ever: Fitness Myths
Have you ever seen the show “MythBusters”? Every week, these two crazy guys try to separate truth from urban legend. They take commonly accepted ideas like the ones that say eating turkey makes you sleepy or that certain sodas will completely dissolve rusty bolts, and then they prove them to be true or false.
I have to wonder if the Apostle Paul would have been the host of this type of show from a spiritual perspective. He certainly would have had a blast busting the “irreverent and silly myths” of his day with the truth of Jesus!
The Call
It was the winter of 2003. Outside the temperature was cold, but Dr. Steve Lucey’s spirit felt even colder. He was at a loss. Sitting in his Greensboro, N.C., home, he believed God had anointed him to use his sports medicine training on the national level, and he could no longer ignore the burden within. It had consumed him for too long, and now he was certain of its meaning: there was something more that God wanted him to accomplish.
Fit4Ever: Reckless Living
The Cambridge Dictionary defines a role model as an admired person who inspires others to copy his or her behavior. Based on this definition, there is no question that athletes, especially in America’s sports-crazy culture, are role models. Unfortunately, those who look up to an athlete for his performance on the field don’t just imitate what he does in his profession. The watching eyes are often influenced to imitate the athlete’s off-the-field behavior, too—in words, clothes, actions, and attitude.
Fit 4 Ever: Put God's Design to the Test!
In America, we believe that we can make everything better. In fact, we relentlessly pursue improvement. And this can often be a good thing! It can make us examine our hearts and actions and get right with God and others. It can bring new advances in medicine, travel, industry and the environment. It can even help us discover and understand God in new and deeper ways.
But many times our efforts to improve on God’s design give us a far inferior result.
Spiritual Medicine
Native Americans, after inventing lacrosse centuries ago, called it “the medicine game.” They said it was a supernatural gift, possessing the power to bond and heal communities.
“People from the tribe hoped if they played hard enough and the ‘Creator’ was pleased with the game, he would take energy from those who played and transfer it to someone sick in the tribe,” said Christian Zwickert, the fifth-year men’s lacrosse coach at Wesley College, a small United Methodist school in Dover, Del.
The Hard Road to a Dream
As a kid, Allison Lambert used to hang out near the fields where her dad served as chaplain to the University of Texas football team. She observed how hard work and passion led to fulfilled dreams. But it was during her own climb to Division I volleyball that she experienced for herself the reward of perseverance.
Allison, a 6-1 senior from Austin, Texas, plays right side for the University of North Carolina-Asheville.
Heart of a Coach: Nate Wolf
Chosen attribute: Perseverance
Dictionary definition: "Steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement."
My definition: "Honoring a commitment when it is not convenient to do so. Performing — in sport or life — at the highest possible level regardless of external conditions or internal comfort. The ability to start something well, maintain that same level throughout the competition or life situation, and finish with the same intensity with which you began."
Fit 4 Ever: Proper Hydration
It should come as no surprise that Jesus knows how important water is to life; that’s the way He designed it. And in this Scripture, Jesus tells the Samaritan woman everything she needs to find salvation. Living water represents eternal life. Jesus has it, you must ask Him for it, and it is a gift to be received.
Which are you? Does ambition seem to be an insidious evil or a genuine virtue to be developed? The real issue may be toward what ends is the ambition aimed? Are we ambitious for selfish gain or for the good of others? Are we ambitious toward superficial fame or lasting significance?
Good Ol' Boy
Long after the last confetti streamer had fallen to the floor and the echoes of the crowd’s deafening roar had stopped ringing in his ears, Lee Humphrey felt an odd sense of emptiness.
It didn’t happen right away, mind you. After all, April 3, 2006, was the greatest night of his basketball existence. That night, at the RCA Dome in Indianapolis, Humphrey and his University of Florida teammates polished off UCLA with ease in the NCAA championship, 73-57. Humphrey himself had enjoyed a great game and a monster tournament, setting records and winning awards along the way.
Fit 4 Ever: Reputation or Reality?
Last year, Americans spent nearly $12 billion on cosmetic procedures to change their outward appearances. And all of that during one of the worst economic downturns our nation has ever seen.
It absolutely amazes me what we are willing to do in order to look outwardly younger, skinnier or even happier. But the reality is that, if the inside is ugly and our hearts are troubled, nothing we do to cover it up will change our inner reality.
While most of us may not resort to surgery to improve our appearances, we have all "put on a happy face" or said all the right things even when we were miserable on the inside. But please hear me on this: Lasting change always happens from the inside out.
Fit4Ever: Win Today
In sports, as coaches and athletes, we know that we have to take one game at a time. When a game is over, win or lose, we have to put it behind us, learn what we can and move on. The same is true in all aspects of life. In Philippians 3, Paul tells us to forget the past and press on toward what is ahead. In Matthew 6:34, Jesus flat-out tells us, “Don’t worry about tomorrow.” From these two passages I believe we can take three important lessons—ones that will help us to walk in victory and “win” each day of our lives
Fit 4 Ever: Dynamic Warm-Up
Have you ever been caught off-guard and missed an opportunity to share your faith? I have. And each time it has happened I have become more determined to “always be prepared.” Peter speaks often of preparation. And he knows that the only way a believer can be fully ready to defend the faith is if he is prepared.
Stay Focused (Camper Edition)
Welcome back to the real world, kid. It’s a far cry from the experience you just had, feeling so close to God and all. But now, you need to start thinking about — check that — start worrying about “more important” things.
Fit 4 Ever: Breakfast of Champions
If you are not eating breakfast, you are missing the most important meal of the day! When Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection, He said, “Come and have breakfast.” It was a time of nourishment—physical, relational and spiritual. Too bad most of us just rush into the day, undernourished physically and unprepared spiritually.
Breakfast is essential for consistent energy, focus and concentration, easier weight loss and more consistent moods. But just eating breakfast isn’t necessarily going to get you started on the right foot.
Fit4Ever: One Thing
I’ve heard it said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Well, I don’t know about you, but I can definitely identify with that. It’s like we know we’ve taken a wrong turn or are on the wrong road, but we keep going anyway. And, worse yet, we somehow think that we’ll still get to our destination.
Coaches - Plan
- Secure day, time, and location of coach’s bible study.
- Recruit a bible study leader or facilitator.
- Develop a bible study plan with timeline and specific lessons outlined.
- Organize a weekly study agenda.
- Plan an initial study that introduces FCA, explains what the study is about and the importance of commitment and confidentiality.
Heart of an Athlete: Michael McConathy
Selected Struggle: Worry
Dictionary definition: “To feel uneasy or concerned about something; to be troubled.”
My definition: “To torment oneself with anxieties or troubles.”
Fit 4 Ever: What Is Possible?
Next month, 51-year-old triathlete Gary Brasher will complete back-to-back-to-back Iron-distance triathlons in order to raise funds for FCA. Yep, you read that right. A triple Iron! Right now, he's in the middle of training for the big event, which will take place Nov. 20-22.
Going in, Brasher knew that the sacrifice would be intense. I mean, can you even imagine completing 7.4 miles of swimming, 336 miles of biking and 79.2 miles of running in three days? For most of us, that is unthinkable. But that is exactly what he is willing to do for what he feels is an important cause.
Fit 4 Ever: The Heart of an Athlete
Solomon knew the importance of taking care of the heart. It is not only the most important muscle in the body for physical life, but also for spiritual life. Have you ever considered that your behavior is really a reflection of your heart? We are encouraged to guard our hearts because our attitudes, our thoughts, our emotions, our words and our actions all flow from the condition of the heart. Anger, jealousy, pride, conflict — all of these reveal the state of your heart.
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