February 02, 2012
As athletes, most of us have experienced victory on the playing field, in the gym, on the road, etc., whether on a team or as an individual. Although we may not remember all the victories, we can probably recall how we felt during that time of victory. It was overwhelmingly satisfying, wasn’t it?
As athletes, most of us have also experienced defeat—maybe even more than victory. And just as we can remember the feelings of triumph, we also remember those of loss—the sadness, disappointment and remorse. Just plain defeated.
May 09, 2010
In 1998 I started a long journey that I had dreamed about for most of my life—running a marathon. I made the commitment to run by registering for the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. I was set to go but did not start running for a month. Crazy? I had a plan, my own plan. I began reading everything I could about running, or surviving, a marathon. I had never been to Washington, D.C., so I printed the course layout and studied every mile. I visually had a mental picture of each hill and the battles and challenges that were ahead. I started running on May 1 for the October marathon. I mapped out a plan for running, including weekly long runs, proper diet, and rest.
December 30, 2010
I was coaching a junior high boy’s basketball team and having a great time. During one game, however, the team was not executing well. I called a time-out and gave the boys a lecture while they sat on the bench. I paused to see if my message was getting through. And that’s when the starting center, a team leader, broke the silence with a goofy imitation of me. He mimicked several of my phrases and the other players were a little nervous about what my reaction would be. I decided to laugh, so the whole team laughed along with me. These were boys who loved to have fun. Scripture says that there is a time for everything (Ec 3:1). There is certainly a time for discipline and teaching, but there are countless opportunities for fun and laughter too.
April 22, 2005
Have you read the sports news lately? Is it filled with news that makes sports look pretty bad. Have we taken the competition in sports too far? Teenagers are killing each other with baseball bats, parents are shooting coaches, fans are taking swings at players on the field. Have we taken competition and the pressure to win to a whole new level? Where do we turn for answers?
FCA has put out a great guide for athletes, coaches and even parents. It is called the Competitor's Creed. It's made up of six verses that represent how we should compete and play for Christ. Today's athletes and coaches are being pushed to win at all cost, but if we truly compete with Christ in mind, our desire will be to honor Him--not ourselves as athletes and coaches.
May 12, 2010
As coaches, we should never go into a game without a plan. We need to put our athletes in the best possible position to be successful. At Swansea High School we try to have a plan for every situation so we are not caught off guard. Planning ahead allows us to handle adversity when it hits in the form of an injury or giving up a big play. John Wooden once said, “Either you overcome adversity, or it overcomes you.” The only way to overcome it is with a solid plan.
October 19, 2013
The heart of a champion…Many talk about it; coaches seek to instill it in their players; players dream of being victorious. But what does the heart of a true champion look like?
May 10, 2010
I was in my second year of high school when Turk walked into the wrestling room. I did not have any idea who he was, but he didn’t look very impressive: short, round, bald, about fifty years old, and smoking a cigar. I inwardly laughed when
my wrestling coach told me that he wanted me to wrestle this aged man. I thought I would have to be careful not to hurt the old fellow. We lined up on the wrestling mat, and I went to reach for him. I don’t remember much after that, except in the next moment I was flying. I was airborne. Flying through a haze of cigar smoke was mildly exhilarating, but that was tempered by my awareness that I had to land some time. Turns out this dried-up old man had wrestled in the Olympics twice.
April 08, 2009
John the Baptist was the man! He was the herald prophesied by Isaiah — the voice of one crying in the wilderness. He was the great baptizer of the people, the one who drew crowds everywhere he went. Yet he knew a time would come when his “star status” would diminish.
Fast-forward to 2009. Tyler Hansbrough, the reigning NCAA Player of the Year, had to make a choice for the sake of his team. In order to help his team attain their goal of a national championship, he would need to take a "back seat" to Ty Lawson. His scoring average fell, and he graciously passed the mantle of leadership to Lawson. When asked about the shift in his role, Hansbrough repeatedly said, “I'll do whatever it takes to help this team get to the championship."
April 10, 2009
It has been said that life is not a playground, but a battleground. Most battles happen in the unseen world and play out in the physical world. Knowing this, God gives us spiritual armor to be prepared for battle. Every piece of armor—the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the Spirit—protects from the front. None provide protection for our backs. In fact, we are instructed in Philippians 3 to forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead. God has our back. He gives us no armor for our backside because He has it covered. When we are right with God and confess our sins, we have nothing to fear. Proverbs 3 tells us that when we use good judgment, our sleep will be sweet.
May 14, 2010
Bicycle touring is a favorite hobby of mine. There’s just something satisfying about hitting the open road on a bike. You pack your bags, check your tires, fill your water bottle, and start pedaling. A sense of adventure takes over as you venture through the countryside, visit small towns, and work up a good sweat exercising. It’s great fun.
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