A key determinant of success in sports is something we refer to as “heart,” which is an invisible quality that comprises the soul, strength, and mind of the team. Although we cannot see or measure it, we also cannot win without it. While every coach knows that the team must have heart, it is often difficult to cultivate. Heart is also the most elusive factor to quantify when recruiting or evaluating an athlete; the best of coaches are perplexed by it. Even the prophet Samuel, when given the opportunity to pick King Saul’s successor, was fooled by appearance and overlooked the important heart issues.
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The Blame Game
Set:Announcer: “Welcome to the new sports game show sweeping the nation in which two contestants compete together to see who can deny responsibility for their actions the most! Let’s meet our host, please welcome. . . Mr. Itz Yorfault. Our two contestants today are Adam Ididntdoit and Eve Itwasntme. And now let’s play. . . The Blame Game!”
OK, so there is no such game; but we see it all the time on sidelines, in locker rooms and on long trips home from games. Teammates banter and complain that everything is everyone else’s fault, not their own. Where did we learn such a thing? The trend goes back a long time.
The Blessing and Responsibility of the Word
Set:Recently I sat in on a home school history session with my wife and three kids. The subject was Europe's transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance period of history, and focused on the huge impact that Gutenberg's movable type printing press had on civilization. For those who are not aware of the history, Johannes Gutenberg created the first movable type printing press in 1456. Prior to that, all books were painstakingly written by hand - one by one - including Bibles.
The Blessing of Trophies
Set:This week, Reggie Bush became the first Heisman Trophy winner to forfeit his trophy. Amid a world of controversy surrounding reports that he had taken money from sports marketers while at USC, Bush made a move that no one had ever done before by giving his trophy—which he won in 2005—back to the Heisman Trust.
This devotion isn’t going to side one way or the other with Reggie Bush’s actions. Instead, we’re going to use the situation as an opportunity to evaluate the awards we’ve been given as athletes and coaches, and to, perhaps, think about them in ways we’ve never considered.
The Butler Way: One Day Better
Set:The success of the Butler Bulldogs men's basketball program didn't happen overnight.
The Call
Set:Coaching involves serving, teaching, encouraging, and leading. If you are in a coaching position right now, you have tremendous power to influence the lives of not only the athletes you coach, but also anyone in your circle of influence. What an awesome responsibility.
The Calling
Set:Many times on the Christian journey, we sense God calling us to do something. Sometimes, though, the task seems too great or our resources seem too small. Other times, God’s call can feel overwhelming and cause us to doubt whether we really heard Him at all. Thankfully, He has given us His Scriptures to speak directly to our fears and doubts when it comes to matters related to His call.
The Challenge
Set:Several years ago, as a senior on the baseball team, I had climbed the ladder and put in my time until it was finally my chance to be a starter. Each year I had been competing with older guys and had never ended up winning the job. This year, though, I was the oldest and most experienced, so I got the opportunity.
The Challenge of Coaching
Set:During a recent Monday Night Football game, I watched as two future Hall of Fame coaches took the field. The TV announcers shared how they had talked with a player who had played for both coaches in the past. They asked him what was the different in coaching styles. He said that one coached by fear, the other by love. When asked what the player preferred, he shared that both can be effective, but that love lasts forever.
The Change
Set:I once heard of a pitcher who was nervous about starting a play-off game. The position players were steering clear of him, and the pitching coach was at his wits end over the pitcher’s behavior. The head coach finally got wind of what was going on and marched down to the clubhouse to talk to the pitcher. He looked the pitcher in the eye and said, “Son, either change your behavior, or change out of your uniform!”
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