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  • Play the Next Play, God’s Way?

    January 27, 2013


    Much like Paul, I also felt at times that I was the worst of sinners. I wondered how God could forgive me, how He could use me. I didn’t measure up. As a young football coach, I modeled myself after several older, rough and rugged, salty coaches who were known to be profane to the extreme and who had a “take no prisoners” attitude. It had worked for them; maybe it would work for me. Using these questionable techniques, I, too, became successful—as in wins and losses. I gained the respect of my peers and won trophies and accolades, but for what? There was still a major hole that needed to be filled—a Jesus hole.

  • Play with Passion

    December 06, 2013


    Throughout my WNBA career, I’ve been known as a highly competitive player. I use every inch or margin within the rules of the game to my advantage. It used to really bother me when I was accused of being a dirty player. I sought out wise counsel from people close to me like my husband and my mother. I also had some in-depth conversations with fellow believer and WNBA legend Lisa Leslie and our team chaplain.

  • Play with Purpose

    August 19, 2013


    I’ve been blessed to accomplish some amazing feats that only a handful of female basketball players have achieved. During my career, I’ve been honored to play on an NCAA National Championship team, a WNBA Championship team and an Olympic gold medal team. At Notre Dame, I hit the game-winning shot and was voted the 2001 Final Four’s Most Outstanding Player. With the Detroit Shock, I was named the 2003 WNBA Finals MVP.

  • Playing for the Lord

    July 22, 2013


    As athletes, we play with the abilities God has given us. But what really drives us to play the game? For some it’s the praise of parents, coaches, and friends, or awards and medals. Often our self-worth and dedication to the game is driven purely on the thoughts, praises, and criticisms of others.

  • Playing Time

    March 13, 2012


    A coach looks at his players’ strengths and weaknesses and decides who will play and how long they will be in the game. He or she often will take players out of the game to get some rest or to give someone else some playing time.

    When I played softball in college, our shortstop had a very positive, contagious personality. When she was out of the game, you could tell the difference on the field. The game of life is no different. When a loved one leaves the playing field, they are dearly missed. For those who believe in Christ as Savior, this is a welcome call home. The rest of the “team” will miss them dearly, but they can find peace in knowing that the Creator, our Coach, has a plan.

  • Playing to Win

    April 11, 2014


    In any sport, when a team has the upper hand whether through having better players or a big lead in the score, their coach will often encourage them by saying, “We play to win.” So often, teams that have the upper hand will play down to the level of their competition. Instead of playing to win, they start playing to not lose. In those times, they will often let the competition come back and, many times, beat them.

  • Plug and Play

    June 08, 2009

    Have you ever heard of Plug and Play (PnP)? It’s a computer capability that allows users to plug a device into a computer so that it recognizes that the device is there. The user doesn't have to tell the computer. You can just plug a device into your computer and start working or playing with no hassles. It’s so easy!
    After 19 years on staff with FCA, I’ve been blessed to work with thousands of athletes and coaches. During this time, I have seen a PnP kind of mentality manifest itself in many competitors. “If I just take this supplement or that drug, I will be ready to elevate my game. No work; no change; no effort; no sweat. I’ll just plug this drug into my body, and I’ll become a better athlete.” 

  • Point of View

    March 03, 2013


    Most of us have known a teammate with a glaring weakness. Maybe a part of his/her game was incomplete. Maybe it was a character flaw. Did we make that weakness his/her defining characteristic? Paul wrote, “From now on, then, we do not know anyone in a purely human way.” That could paraphrase like this, “So from now on, I will not let someone’s personal weakness be that person’s defining characteristic.” Just as we shouldn’t focus on a person’s physical limitations, we should have the same attitude when dealing with commitments. I’m committed to praying for others and encouraging them when they act wisely and when

  • Political Playing Field

    December 02, 2011


    Last year, for the first time in 15 years, I found myself without a soccer team to coach. The Christian school where I had been teaching and coaching shut their doors, and, with the late notice of the closing, it was too late to find another team. Instead, I found myself on a different team—a team that was completely divided. I ran for State Representative in my town, and the eight candidates from my party chose to run as a team.

    Throughout the election, I found myself praying to God for guidance and wisdom. I also spent a lot of time shaking my head and wondering, “What have I gotten myself into?” But through my years of sports training, I knew what teamwork was, and I knew what it was like to be a team player.

  • Possess Nothing

    June 01, 2010

    Have you ever walked into a Sam’s Club or Costco and, all of a sudden, something comes over you? It’s like you are magnetically pulled to these beautiful rectangular boxes with vibrant colors showing on them that make the pictures look almost real. You are drawn closer and closer, and down deep inside you, the feeling arises that one of these things needs to be yours. OK, maybe it’s a guy thing, but the innate desire for earthly possessions can consume us from time to time. The gifts in our lives can overtake us if we’re not careful.

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