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  • Heart of a Coach: Cori Close

    November 01, 2011

    Heart of a Coach: Cori Close

    UCLA women’s basketball coach Cori Close isn’t intimidated. Even though it’s her first season at the helm of a major college program and the first head coaching job of her career, Close believes she’s equipped for the challenge. For the past 18 seasons, she’s gained confidence and skill by assisting some of the top coaches in the game, and thanks to their influence—and more importantly the power of the Holy Spirit—Close has learned more than just the X’s and O’s of basketball. She’s learned how to help young women pursue excellence in all areas of life—including matters of faith.

  • Heart of an Athlete: Katelin Peterson

    November 01, 2011

    Heart of an Athlete: Katelin Peterson

    Katelin Peterson wanted so badly to play field hockey for a Christian coach that she left her home in sunny Escondido, Calif., and moved across the country to Richmond, Va., where the winters are hardly California-like. But for Peterson it was a choice that she knows was best. Now a senior forward at the University of Richmond, she can look back on her college career as being one of both athletic achievement and spiritual growth thanks largely to the influence of her coach, her teammates and FCA.

  • Home Court

    November 01, 2011

    Home Court

    In the tight-knit community of Middleburg, Fla., residents have a history of showing support and commitment to their neighbors. So when Middleburg High School Volleyball Coach Carrie Prewitt got word that one of her players and her two younger sisters were headed for foster care, she knew what God was calling her to do.

  • The Ultimate Teammate

    October 11, 2011


    As coaches and athletes, we face adversity every day. Specifically for coaches, this adversity seems to come not just from the opponents on our schedules, but from a variety of sources. And whether we are dealing with players’ circumstances, injuries, parental issues, or whatever, we all need to have some reassurance or confirmation that we are doing a good job.

  • Courage Is...

    October 08, 2011


    Watch the video, then walk through the questions below.

    Key Verse: Haven't I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

    • What are some quieter ways you can be more courageous in your life?
    • Do you think it is easier to go along with the crowd and not stand out? Why?
    • Have you ever faced a situation where you stood alone on your convictions? How did that situation impact you and others around you?
    • Read Joshua 1:9. Do you feel stronger knowing that God is always with you? Are there any bold actions you would be willing to take knowing God has your back?

  • Mr. Irrelevant

    October 04, 2011


    “Mr. Irrelevant” is an award that started in 1976. It is given to the very last player selected in the NFL Draft. The 2009 “Mr. Irrelevant” award went to Kansas City Chiefs kicker Ryan Succop, who has helped the Chiefs each season since the draft. In 2009 he was pick number 256 in the last round and was given a trophy—the Lowsman Trophy, which is a spoof off of the Heisman Trophy. This trophy actually depicts a player fumbling the ball!

    At the draft, he was even given an official NFL jersey with the number 256 and “Mr. Irrelevant” on the back. Can you imagine getting tagged with the title “Mr. Irrelevant”? Basically, people are saying you are not important. I’ve been called many names over the years, but I would struggle with this one.

  • Heart of a Coach: Jeff Grimes

    October 01, 2011

    Heart of a Coach: Jeff Grimes

    For Auburn Offensive Line Coach Jeff Grimes, coaching wasn’t part of the immediate plan when he graduated from the University of Texas-El Paso in 1990 and finished a successful football playing career. But when a nudge from the Holy Spirit led him into the profession, Grimes embarked on what has now turned in to a high-impact coaching career filled with bowl games, All-Americans and recently, a BCS National Title. For Grimes, though, no gridiron achievements can outweigh the spiritual impact he makes as a man of God.

  • Heart of an Athlete: Ahna Lewis

    October 01, 2011

    Heart of an Athlete: Ahna Lewis

    Growing up in Morgantown, W.Va., Ahna Lewis looked up to the athletes at West Virginia University and dreamed of being a Mountaineer herself one day. Now that her dream is a reality, this redshirt-senior cross-country runner remembers the impact those former athletes had on her, and she embraces her opportunity to influence others. But, for Lewis, it’s about more than just making a positive difference; it’s about making an impact for Christ.

  • Home Stretch: Swin Cash

    October 01, 2011

    Home Stretch: Swin Cash

    I grew up in McKeesport, Pa., which is a town of about 24,000 right outside of Pittsburgh. It was a quiet place for my mom and stepdad to raise our family, which consisted of me, my two younger siblings and my older cousin, who became my older brother after my parents adopted him.

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