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  • More Than Winning Presentation (8.5 x 11)

    April 07, 2011

    More Than Winning Presentation (8.5 x 11)

    The More Than Winning Gospel presentation is an 8.5" x 11" PDF which clearly communicates the Gospel message in the context of the athletic mindset. Use the download link below.

    The PDF includes:

    • God's Game Plan
    • Man's Problem
    • God's Substitution
    • Man's Response
    • Replay of God's Game Plan/Prayer of Commitment
    • 4 Daily Exercises

  • Pray for Patience

    April 07, 2011

    Pray for Patience

    Their comes a point in life where nothing just seems to go right. We get bad grades, we have to deal with injuries while we play a sport, we're not fitting in with the right crowd, or something just as simple like "I don't belong here." Trust me. I've been through my fair shares of these plenty of times. But no matter how dull life may seem, or how unlikely your luck is to turn around, you can't lose your Faith. Even when you think that everything seems impossible, it's not. Luke 1:37 states that NOTHING is impossible with God. More people need to believe this saying, because with all of the difficulties we face in the world everyday, I don't see how any of us could get through life without Christ.

  • Following the Plan

    April 06, 2011


    Nike sold a lot of shoes with their slogan “Just Do It.” Now, I’m not a Bible scholar or professional minister, but I think Nike should give some church somewhere a little compensation because I think they were probably the ones who came up with the phrase.

    Last night, in the NCAA women’s national championship game, the Texas A&M Aggies took that quote to heart in their victory over Notre Dame. According to the post-game interviews, their coach had to “coach hard” during the game in order for the team to be successful. And the women responded well, topping the Irish 76-70.

  • Pumping Spiritual Iron

    April 06, 2011


    As competitors, we all know that in order to better yourself on the field, it is vital that you put out the effort in practice. Whether you’re running that last sprint, focusing on the details of a jump shot, or working the finer points of your throwing motion, it is necessary that you train, and push yourself to get better.

    And just as weightlifting strengthens the body, we all need to take the time to get closer to God in order to strengthen our spirits. As Apostle Paul told Timothy, godliness has value for all things. Not just meaning value for this life, but also for the life we get to spend in heaven. (1Timothy 4:8) For that reason it is imperative that we live our lives as sacrifices, both holy and pleasing to God.

  • Age and Other Limits

    April 05, 2011


    Last night, at the age of 68, University of Connecticut men’s basketball coach Jim Calhoun became the oldest basketball coach to ever win an NCAA men’s basketball championship. In his team’s 53-41 win over the Butler Bulldogs, Calhoun earned his third title in his 39-year coaching career.

    Calhoun’s milestone reminded me this morning about a man in Scripture whose age also made history. His name was Abraham, and, at the age of 100, he and his wife, Sarah, who was only 10 years younger, gave birth to their son, Isaac. While Abraham and Sarah had known for many years that God promised them a child, they couldn’t see how that would happen in their old ages.

  • Home Stretch: Jenny Simpson

    April 01, 2011

    Home Stretch: Jenny Simpson

    My testimony begins in Webster City, Iowa, where I was born. My family of five—my parents, older brother, younger sister and I—lived there and in Missouri for a while until I was in third grade when we moved to Florida.

    Our family was always involved in church, and I know how fortunate I was to be raised in a Christian home where I was loved and cared for. The only hang-up was that it always seemed like the churches we attended were never close to home. Because of the distance, my siblings and I had school friends and church friends, and they were always different groups. That made church and school very distinct segments in my life for a long time.

  • Fit4Ever: Four Key Relationships

    April 01, 2011

    Fit4Ever: Four Key Relationships

    “The one who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm.”Proverbs 13:20

    My mom used to tell me that idle hands always led to trouble. Maybe that’s why she always tried to keep us busy. When we had nothing to do, we usually wound up misbehaving.

  • All In

    April 01, 2011

    All In

    Nestled snugly along the banks of Illinois’ Fox River, Judson University has long offered its students a chance to follow their athletic and academic dreams in a nurturing, community-minded environment. But for student-athletes at Judson, an evangelical Christian university, there always seemed to be a hidden disconnect that kept them from truly connecting to Christ, each other and the surrounding community of Elgin.


  • Carrying My Cross

    April 01, 2011


    Last summer I was blessed with the experience of going to FCA Captain’s Camp at Riverside Military Academy in Gainesville, Ga. I had been involved in FCA since middle school, but I had never been to any sort of camp, so I had no idea what the experience would hold.

  • The Return of a Dream

    April 01, 2011

    The Return of a Dream

    It’s easy to see why emerging NCAA track star Lana Mims has Olympic aspirations.

    The University of Missouri senior is the daughter of legendary four-time Olympian Madeline Manning Mims, the younger sister of former University of Oklahoma triple-jump champion John Jackson, and has dreamed of competing on the world’s greatest stage since she was a kid. But it was a dream that appeared destined to fall by the wayside, snuffed out by unexpected adversity, after Mims came to Mizzou in the fall of 2006.

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