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  • Trust the Almighty

    October 01, 2011



    Watch the video, then walk through the questions below.

    Key Verse: For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.2 Timothy 1:7

  • Fit4Ever: The Pesticide Trap

    October 01, 2011

    Fit4Ever: The Pesticide Trap

    When it comes to food, I’m amazed at how many times I’ll think I’ll be eating the right thing, only to find out I’m wrong. Eggs are bad—no, eggs are good. Butter is bad—no, butter is better. Fat is bad—no, the right fats are good. And on and on it goes.

    Sometimes we can get by with this and not suffer any major consequences, but often not getting it right can have serious side-effects.

  • J.D. Drew - Accepting Christ and Playing Baseball

    October 01, 2011



    Watch the video, then walk through the questions below.

    Key Verse: Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me.Revelation 3:20

  • Heart of a Coach: Jeff Grimes

    October 01, 2011

    Heart of a Coach: Jeff Grimes

    For Auburn Offensive Line Coach Jeff Grimes, coaching wasn’t part of the immediate plan when he graduated from the University of Texas-El Paso in 1990 and finished a successful football playing career. But when a nudge from the Holy Spirit led him into the profession, Grimes embarked on what has now turned in to a high-impact coaching career filled with bowl games, All-Americans and recently, a BCS National Title. For Grimes, though, no gridiron achievements can outweigh the spiritual impact he makes as a man of God.

  • Make a Stand

    September 28, 2011


    Friday night at a high school football game, I saw something that doesn’t happen very often: an offense had a first-and-goal opportunity at the one-yard line and they failed to score. The opposing defense came up big and made a huge stand to prevent the touchdown that probably would have lost them the game.

    In life, how often do we feel like we're down-and-out, like Satan and his team have marched the ball straight down the field until they're standing with first-and-goal on our one-yard line just about ready to punch it in and score? Often, when we're at our weakest, winning seems impossible. The devil attacks hoping for the easy kill.

  • FCA Public School Handbook

    September 26, 2011


    A 23-page document outlining the legal rights of students to organize under the banner of FCA in their public middle school, high school or college.

    Covered in this document are questions and answers which include:

    • Part I: What Rights Does FCA Have to Access Public High School Facilities?
    • Part II: What Can Students, Coaches, Teachers, and Huddle Leaders Do As Part of FCA on Campus?
    • Part III: What Differences in the Law Will FCA Face on a Public University Campus?
    • Glossary of Terms

  • Movie Night

    September 24, 2011


    Have a movie night for your huddle! You could watch movies like the blind side, angels in the outfield and other sports movies.

    Group Size: 

  • Going the Distance...and Beyond

    September 22, 2011


    Former Dallas Cowboys fullback Ron Springs, who played from 1979 to 1985, had suffered from Type 2 diabetes for 16 years and had spent three on a waiting list for a kidney transplant. To say the least, things were not looking very good until teammate Everson Walls decided to donate one of his kidneys to Springs. After a successful transplant, Springs no longer needed dialysis for the first time in many years.

  • This is a Bible

    September 19, 2011


    Coach Buckley’s football practices were brutal. I was only 11, but I still remember them to be grueling, agonizing and dreadful. The trademarked practices had tons of running and repetitive drills, all without scrimmaging! Many players wouldn’t make it through the practices without losing their lunch, and many of them quit. Even my best friend had his parents pull him from the team. But, even though the sacrifice was great, the return that season was sweet. We earned a perfect record and no team even scored on us! Our team, the Braddock Road Sharks, brought fear to all 11-year-olds who dared to play football.

  • Who Are We Trying to Please?

    September 07, 2011


    As student-athletes we are pressed from all sides; to be a better at our sport, to get better grades, to get the best paying job after graduation, and even to look a certain way in order to be attractive to this world. We challenge ourselves physically, academically, and socially, but how often do we challenge ourselves spiritually? How often do we step out of our comfort zone to please God and not men? In the moment it seems as if playing time, grades, and our social life means everything. But the short-term happiness that comes from our worldly accomplishments is fleeting and of no comparison with the everlasting joy we will receive when we please our Father in heaven.

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